We all have lived in a place and seen that place change. New buildings are quite common in New York City, and for us a common question is "What are they building this time?" We may think that it will be something that will look good in our community, but we never ask ourselves "How do they decide to build it or not?" In the meeting they talked about the new revision to building codes and new mandates. In my perspective, I am so happy that I joined the meeting because I received some information that I never though that I need to understand why some construction sites takes long. In the presentation it was about how people who design or create a building have to go through many procedures. They don’t just see if the new building will … [Read more...]
WHSAD Students and Teachers Beautify Front of Van Arsdale Campus
When we go out we always get distracted with a beautiful view. We sometimes even stop and take a picture. However not many people notice that we fix things up in order to make our community look better. Especially if it's in front of a school building. Below are some experiences from students and interviews from the teachers who helped. I am so happy to say that I was part of fixing the garden. To be honest, when I saw the garden I thought that we would not be able to fix it that much since the bushes were overgrown and some trees were dead. When we started to trim the bushes, it wasn’t that hard because Mr. Codio had bought some supplies from his house. Later we started to take out some roots that we didn’t need for the garden. We also … [Read more...]