Recently WHSAD students worked with Brooklyn Prep (BP), and Williamsburg Prep (WP) in remodeling the Harry Van Arsdale cafeteria. The 40 minutes a day the students at these schools spend in this space is vitally important to their productivity the rest of the day. Creating a space where kids feel comfortable to socialize and relax can help them focus more in afternoon classes, meaning if the environment feels stressful, or uncomfortable, the students will probably feel the same. This was exactly the problem the old cafeteria had: it didn’t feel friendly or inviting. But that's all changed now. What were once white walls and rectangular folding tables, now are booths, posters, and a much more diverse collection of tables. This lunch room has … [Read more...]
Sophomore Trip to The Museum of Jewish Heritage
On February 2nd, 2023 some 10th grade students visited the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in lower Manhattan. They were split up into different groups of about 15 and led around the museum by a tour guide, who talked them through stories from various Holocaust witnesses, teaching them the importance of remembering such events. They looked at propaganda posters, religious artifacts, items owned by Holocaust victims, and more. The tour guides were very knowledgeable on the artifacts on display in the museum and answered any questions the students had to ask. Here’s what a few of the students had to say about the trip: Cynthia Luna-Marcelino Last Thursday we attended The Museum of Jewish Heritage, where we … [Read more...]
WHSAD 2021 Alum, Ryan Singh, Shares His Experience in the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at CCNY
My first semester in the Bernard and Anne Spitzer school of architecture program was challenging because it was in the midst of Covid. Due to the transition from virtual learning to in-person learning, I felt as though I had missed out on the typical college experiences and the hands-on learning that came with the architecture program. However, since the transition to fully in person, I have deeply enjoyed these last two semesters. I have had the opportunity to work on new projects as well as explore and learn about different aspects of the city. Through this process I was able to learn new programs such as Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and additional mapping programs such as NYC Open Data and ArcGIS Pro. What I enjoy most about … [Read more...]
WHSAD’s Little Free Library Event with H.E.A.L.T.H. for Youths
This past weekend kicked off another installment of the WHSAD and H.E.A.L.T.H. for Youths Little Free Library project. WHSAD students and staff, H.E.A.L.T.H. for Youths Co-founder and Executive Director, Ms. Heather Butts, and local representatives gathered to construct the libraries which will find homes in various communities throughout our city. The goal for each library is to inspire heightened levels of literacy and community solidarity as the “take a book, leave a book” grassroots philosophy rests on local residents’ involvement. The builds had everyone working together with the library kits, assembling the wooden pieces with glue, screws, and power tools. After construction, decorating commenced, allowing each group to illustrate … [Read more...]
Autumn Gonzalez, WHSAD Class of 2017
Autumn Gonzalez is a WHSAD alumnus who graduated in 2017. While in high school, Autumn participated in many after school activities, such as SkillsUSA, open houses, architecture club, and was also a student ambassador. “She knew how to manage her time, she was very punctual, and a go-getter,” says Mr. Codio, the 12th grade Architecture and Design teacher. Now Autumn is an executive assistant at a non-profit film production company called Shine Global. Shine Global produces films targeted to helping children and telling stories you otherwise wouldn't hear. Post high school graduation she began studying architecture at City College, but after only a semester, she realized that this wasn’t what she wanted to do. She felt a little lost and … [Read more...]
WHSAD Students Visit New York City Department of Buildings
On Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, a group of WHSAD students from all four grades took a trip to the Department of Buildings (DOB) in Manhattan. The 12th grade Architecture and Design teacher, Mr. Codio, hoped that from this experience we would gain knowledge about architecture and engineering as well as connections to different programs and internships through the DOB. The DOB works with every architecture, engineering, or construction related firm in the city to help build safe and sustainable buildings by creating laws and regulations about what should and should not be allowed. Along with this work, they give awards to helpful products they think are effective and promote those products to be used more commonly. Because the DOB works with … [Read more...]
WHSAD’s BRIC Film Class
This year at WHSAD we started the film club with BRIC teaching artist, Grace Ann Leadbeater. We hoped to gain some knowledge about different aspects of film, and the skills required to create a quality piece. We ended up making four films: a mental health PSA, a series of interviews about the things that both stress and motivate people, a film about gender stereotypes, and two street interviews. We learned what makes a good film, how to handle a camera, why we use the equipment we do, and how all the different parts people play in a film combine together to make a piece. Check out all the films here: Below, students have written about each film and their experiences while making them. George Pinto “Street Interviews” The idea … [Read more...]
Little Free Library at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Special thanks to Ms. Heather Butts of H.E.A.L.T.H. for Youths, Brooklyn Borough President, Antonio Reynoso, Deputy Borough President, Diana Richardson, and the New York City Police Department. Last Friday a couple of WHSAD students took a trip to Brooklyn Borough Hall for an event with Little Free Library. If you don’t know what Little Free Library is, it’s the non-profit organization that created all of the small, tree house-like libraries. You have probably seen them before, maybe in someone's front yard, or in a park, or in Mr. Codio's room. The idea is this: when you take a book, you leave a book. The group has helped many communities grow closer by encouraging them to share, and read each other's books without difficulty, or … [Read more...]
Freshmen Attend Sustainable Design Workshop at Center for Architecture
Last Tuesday, March 22nd, a group of 9th graders who finished the past marking period with an average of 90 or above received the opportunity to visit the Center for Architecture. Center for Architecture is a museum, whose goal is to further educate the public about NYC architecture through classes, workshops, after-school programs, summer camps, field trips, and much more. On this trip we learned about sustainable architecture and then created models that included environmentally friendly design aspects that the Center's teachers taught us. First they told us about all the negative ways buildings can affect our environment and why it’s so important that the world starts taking global warming and pollution into account when building new … [Read more...]
WHSAD Freshmen Share Their ACE Mentorship Experiences
George Pinto Every Thursday, from 4:00 - 6:00pm, two other WHSAD students and I attend ACE at STV, an architecture and engineering firm located near Union Sq. ACE stands for Architecture, Construction management, and Engineering, and is a four year program for high school students interested in one of the previously stated fields. Every year our team, team 11, chooses a project related to Columbia University’s campus, and design all the different aspects of it, as well as think about the structural components too. So if we were to actually build the structure, it would function the way it’s supposed to. This year we are designing a new field house for the athletic campus near The Bronx, which would include multiple locker rooms, … [Read more...]