A reminder that on Thursday, May 28th 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm and Saturday, May 30th 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, there will be a workshop for rising seniors and their parents to discuss various college, financial aid, and senior year related activities. A letter was mailed out several weeks ago. Please see attached. Hope to see you there!! [gview file="https://www.whsad.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Rising-Senior-Workshop-Letter.doc"] … [Read more...]
Guidance Posts
Read current and past posts from WHSAD's Guidance Department.
Senior Bulletin #5
SENIOR BULLETIN #5 MARCH/APRIL 2015 Check list for college Did you submit your college application(s) to Ms. Erneste? Did you submit your SAT scores to the colleges that requested them? Did you request that your midyear grades/transcripts to be sent to the colleges? Did you complete all your supplementary forms for SUNY? Did you complete your FAFSA (Financial Aid)? Did you return your SAR (Student Aid Report) with the necessary corrections? Did you apply for TAP? Did you apply for any scholarships? Have you given your guidance counselor a copy of your college acceptance letter(s)? Did you send your $65 payment to CUNY/UAPC? Did you get an appointment for the CUNY assessment tests? Did you take your … [Read more...]
The College Expo Event for High School Juniors, Seniors and their Parents
Bottom Line is hosting a College Expo on Saturday March 21, 2015 from Noon - 2:30 at the Forchelli Conference Center. RSVP http://goo.gl/forms/JpggcHXce4 [gview file="https://www.whsad.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Bottom-Line.pdf"] … [Read more...]
The 2015 New York City Summer Youth Employment Program Applications Are Now Available!
The New York City Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is open to all NYC residents between the ages of 14-24. The deadline to submit applications is April 10, 2015. SYEP provides New York City youth between the ages of 14 and 24 with paid summer employment for up to six weeks in July and August. Participants work in a variety of entry-level jobs including: Government Agencies * Hospitals * Summer Camps Non-Profits * Small Businesses * Law Firms Museums * Sports Enterprises * Retail Organizations SYEP also provides workshops on job readiness, career exploration, financial literacy and opportunities to continue education and social growth. To learn more click here. For online application, click here … [Read more...]
Junior Transcript Update & Bulletin
On February 11, 2015 we met with the junior cohort to review transcript requirements, PSAT scores, and upcoming dates. Students need to register for the May 2nd SAT by April 6th. They should make an appointment with Ms. Valentin or myself for fee waivers and help registering. Students who are off-track will be registered for 9th/10th period classes. Please work with your teachers to bring up your grades and improve your regents scores. Included is our first Junior Class Bulletin. [gview file="https://www.whsad.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/JuniorBulletin1.pdf"] … [Read more...]
Scholarship Opportunities!!
The Maureen L. & Howard N. Blitman, P.E., Scholarship to Promote Diversity in Engineering Application deadline is March 1, 2015 Awarded to a high school senior from an ethnic minority (African-American, Hispanic, and Native American) who has been accepted into an ABET-accredited engineering program at a four-year college or university. Scholarship awarded in two, $2,500 disbursements each at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters of the freshman year. See Ms. Erneste for details on how to apply and for the application. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship $7,500 annually A minimum SAT score of 1,000 combined on the math and critical reading sections or a composite ACT score of 22 Present evidence … [Read more...]
Senior Bulletin #4
HAVEN’T APPLIED TO COLLEGE YET? Many colleges have rolling admissions and are reviewing applications as they receive them. You still have time to submit applications. See Ms. Erneste ASAP! COLLEGE APPLICATIONS–.CUNY/SUNY applications are also still being processed. See Ms. Erneste if you have not applied. If you have not sent your $65 payment to CUNY – YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT BEING PROCESSED! Send your payment ASAP! **Note; Students who applied to SUNY colleges are reminded to complete the supplemental application. Students who applied to CUNY City College are also reminded to complete the supplemental application for the Engineering. Baruch and Hunter also require essays!! SCHOLARSHIPS - Information available in … [Read more...]
Congratulations to Marjorie Vargas-Matute, Winner of TheDream.US Scholarship
Congratulations to senior Marjorie Vargas-Matute who has been awarded to be the 2015 recipient of TheDream.US Scholarship of up to $25,000 due to her academic achievements. The Dream.US Scholarship open the doors to education for high achieving students who have demonstrated leadership, community involvement and academic excellence. Marjorie was selected out of over 800 finalists in New York City. Congrats Marjorie, the WHSAD family is proud of you!! … [Read more...]
Senior Bulletin #3
ANNOUNCEMENTS/REMINDERS CUNY---Apply now for the City University of New York. CUNY at www.cuny.edu. Application fee is $65. Many of you have missed the soft deadline of November 15th for college applications. Please note that the extended and FINAL deadline is December 22nd 2014. *NOTE Students who applied to CUNY City College MUST complete the supplemental application for the Engineering and/or Architectural majors. Baruch College and Hunter College also require essays. Please see me for further information. *To find our school when filling out your college applications please type in “Architecture and Des” on the CUNY application. DO NOT ENTER “HARRY VAN ARSDALE”!! WHSAD’s CEEB code is “330711” SUNY---Apply at … [Read more...]
Pre-College Parent Workshop @ City Tech
Collaborative Pre-College Program invites Middle school and High school parents to College and Career Readiness Workshop. This workshop is designed to provide parents and guardians with important information regarding college preparation including: College and career readiness Importance of Standardized Tests (SAT, ACT, Regents Exams) Information on Financial Aid and scholarships for citizens, residents and undocumented students How to choose the right college vs. how colleges choose students Speaker: Vagnes de Ia Rosa, Consultant & Facilitator for the Hispanic Federation Date: Saturday, 12/06/2014 Time: 9:30AM to 12:00PM Place: New York College of Technology 300 Jay Street, Room AG30 The following will be … [Read more...]