Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design
Innovating Career & Technical Education for New York City’s Future
Principal Gill Cornell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://bit.ly/33iZ1G3
Topic: March SLT Meeting on Thursday, March 10th at 6:00 PM
1. Principal Welcome
2. Pupil Personnel/Guidance Update (AP Basilio)
3. Instructional Update (APs Bruno/D’Amato)
4. Report from UFT/DC-37
6. Students Concerns
5. Parent Concerns
After SLT meeting, we have scheduled our monthly PTA meeting with a workshop on:
Stress-Less – Participants will define stress and learn stress prevention and management strategies to use in their lives.
Link to workshop:
https://tlpnyc.zoom.us/j/85887810331 Or Dial by your location: 1 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 858 8781 0331
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Ms. Chu at chu@whsad.org