The process of making my mask was kind of complicated and fun because it was my first time doing something like it. The target of doing this is to understand the ways of building that are used in Architecture. The teachers taught the class about masks and different processes of building a mask. After this the class was tasked to design and build a mask. The teachers gave the class some tools to learn more about masks and some websites about the history of making masks and their meanings. This really helped me.
Then the class had to make their own research about masks that we were interested in. I researched Mexican masks, how the masks were built, the materials that they were made of and the purpose and meaning. The masks from Mexico are very interesting, the shape , the colors, the materials and the story about their origins. I chose Mexico because these types of masks are very weird and old but my major reason I chose it was because it is part of my culture. When the class was done with our research, we designed our own masks and built them.
The Olmec Mask and 4 other designs inspired my first design. The mask that I chose to make was the most striking and creepy. The teacher taught the class some ways to build a mask from zero, how the architecture had taken ideas from a leaf, how the leaf is supported and does not lose its shape. Stress skin was the method that most of my classmates and I chose. The process was super easy; however each person made their own process just like me.
The principle materials I used to make my mask were cardboard, and paper mache with staples, glue, and tape as the secondary materials. Then I made a helmet with cardboard, which fits me perfectly. Over time I did a lot of modifications on the mask, making it better and heavier. When I did the last modification, the mask was very uncomfortable to wear. So the teachers helped with that and they helped me to fix it. After this I had to cover the whole mask with paper mache clay (Paper dust mixed with water) that the teachers made. Painting was the last step, the base color was white. I still need to add some details and some accessories. My mask does not have meaning, but my mask is about a demon that kills other demons and sometimes people. Some of my friends told me that it looks like the head of a giant ant, which makes sense. The opinions are helpful.
Later I had to make a design of how I would like the mask to look. The paint part was the most difficult part because I do not know how to paint and how to use the colors to make an object more realistic and the different shades. Eventually the teachers gave a class about paints, the different ways of painting, the hues, complementary colors, analogous colors and tint. As a result I learned how to paint and mixed hues. I tried to paint the mask realistic and creepy and use different hues of colors and tints.
In conclusion the process was very funny and interesting, I really enjoyed making the mask even though I struggled a bit. I learned a lot, and now I am able to understand and see different Architecture which I want to learn more about.