One of the perks of attending WHSAD is graduating with an AutoCAD certificate. AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program that allows users to create 2D and 3D drawings, models, and blueprints. It’s used in many industries, including architecture, engineering, and construction. WHSAD students use AutoCAD on a daily basis to work on projects for both their architecture classes and their extracurricular pursuits with the school’s industry partners.
In the following narratives, students share their thoughts about the AutoCAD exam, preparing for the exam, the benefits of AutoCAD certification and being well-versed in the program, and how they have used AutoCAD in their work at WHSAD.
Thank you to Architecture teachers, Mr. Blake and Mr. Codio, for their consistent availability and patience in supporting WHSAD students in achieving their AutoCAD certifications.
Amari Clyde

At WHSAD all seniors are required to take the AutoCAD exam in order to get a certification. The certification may help with acquiring jobs in design based fields, but more on that later. Preparation for the exam was fairly simple. For the first few weeks we worked on the basic commands and used them to make shapes. As time went on those shapes became more complex and more factors were added like varying angles or having to inscribe a polygon within an existing shape. For the most part preparations went well. However, I had some trouble with the practice exams. This was mainly due to the fact that there was some kind of error with how the practice test was graded, so I would always fail the test despite getting all the questions right.
Prior to taking the actual test I was quite stressed out. I failed all 3 practice exams and was convinced it was because I didn’t know what I was doing. This quickly faded once I heard the testing conditions. The test was 50 minutes with 30 questions, help from the teacher was allowed, and every student had 3 chances to pass the test before they could get help(from the computer). I didn’t need any help with mine and passed with an 838 out of 1000.
The certification itself is not as important as the skills someone would develop in trying to get it. Most CAD software uses similar logic and commands, and I believe the primary benefit of getting the AutoCAD certification is getting a better understanding of this language. This greater understanding would make it easier to get jobs in design-based fields since you wouldn’t need as much training. Plus the certification speaks to your skills and knowledge, making it a good thing to put on your resume as well. The great thing about AutoCAD is that its use does not need to be limited to architectural designs. At WHSAD, many students have used AutoCAD to design projects, props for school events, and other non-architectural uses. I myself haven’t used AutoCAD much outside of class work. However, since I plan to go into the film industry, I could use AutoCAD for set design, storyboards, or even use it as a way to learn better shot composition.
AutoCAD is a versatile and easy-to-use software that I am thankful to learn for free here at WHSAD.
Marco Kalaj
AutoCAD has played a major role in my time at WHSAD, helping me develop my design and technical drawing skills. At first, learning the software felt overwhelming but with practice and guidance, I became more confident. Preparing for the AutoCAD exam took a lot of effort. I spent many class periods reviewing past projects and taking practice tests. On exam day I was very nervous as I didn’t want to mess up on this exam. The test challenged me to apply everything I had learned, but I stayed focused and used my skills to complete it. When I finished, I felt great now knowing I had earned a certification that could help me in the future.
Earning this certification is more than just an achievement. It proves that I have strong technical skills and problem solving abilities. It gives me an advantage when applying for internships. More importantly AutoCAD has changed the way I view design, teaching me precision and efficiency. At WHSAD I have used it for floor plans, technical drawings, and class projects, improving my ability to create detailed and accurate designs. Looking back, I realize AutoCAD is more than just software. It’s a valuable skill that will support my future.
Oscar Ixcamparij Solis

What was the preparation for the AutoCAD exam like?
The preparation for the exam consisted of many practices that had similar questions that were asked in the exam. Mr. Blake made sure we understood each question and helped in any question we were confused about. Additionally, before the practice, Mr. Blake taught lessons in class where he explained the basics functions and commands in AutoCAD. After the lesson, he would give us assignments to practice these commands and familiarize the location and purposes of these functions and tools.
Please describe your experience taking the AutoCAD exam.
Taking the exam wasn’t difficult. The questions were clear and comprehensible so that you knew what you had to do and the commands and tools you’d need to use. The only thing that made me nervous was making sure I’m keeping up with the time. Due to this, I had to skip questions I knew would take me time to complete. In the end, I was able to complete the majority of the questions with a few left unanswered but I passed.
What are the benefits of AutoCAD certification and having a thorough understanding of the software?
AutoCAD is a versatile software that can be used in many fields, not just architecture. So if someone is not interested in architecture, they can still use AutoCAD for other fields like engineering, product designing, and manufacturing. With the certification, it claims you know most of the functions and commands in AutoCAD and are able to use it successfully. With this it can make your resume stand out when searching for a job that might use this software.
How have you used AutoCAD during your time at WHSAD?
Recently, I used AutoCAD to create hearts for Valentine’s Day. The manufacturing club produced hearts to sell to teachers and anyone interested in purchasing them. We also offered to put any name in the heart for themselves or for others. Each layer of the heart was produced and created in AutoCAD.
Jayden Belle
I’ve never been good at tests, so for me, getting ready was a rollercoaster. My greatest struggle has been taking tests poorly, which has a detrimental effect on my scores. I frequently had headaches, anxiety, and tunnel vision, which made the procedure much more challenging. These challenges caused me to procrastinate during my preparation and postponed my exam.
I used the practice exams that my architecture teacher, Mr. Blake, gave me to go over this. I worked through them several times, not only to get ready for the test but also to get better at taking tests and controlling my nervousness. I found that a lot of the practice questions were quite similar to the real exam, which was really beneficial. The most satisfying aspect of my preparation was witnessing my development up close, which provided me courage to take on new tasks.
Even though the exam wasn’t very difficult, I was among the first to take it, and it was undoubtedly nerve-racking. The purpose of the AutoCAD exam is to evaluate your proficiency using Autodesk applications, such as AutoCAD. I viewed it like any other assignment since I pick things up quickly and, once the stress of the exam format is removed, it’s just another chore to finish.
You can never completely learn everything about AutoCAD, as everyone who has used the program knows, but some of the questions really got me thinking. The 20:80 rule is applicable when using software such as AutoCAD or Blender; you learn about 20% of the application while continuously researching the remaining 80%. I had to depend only on the 20% I knew because this was an exam. I was undoubtedly unfamiliar with some of the regions, but that was part of the difficulty. Although the test was lengthy, I was able to complete each section quickly thanks to my excellent time management skills.
AutoCAD is a recognized program, particularly in big businesses. Although AutoCAD is frequently regarded as an excellent entry-level program, it can also manage intricate and sophisticated tasks. In addition to 3D modeling capabilities that enhance depth and adaptability, it provides strong 2D editing and manipulation tools.

Because of its accuracy and user-friendly interface, AutoCAD frequently comes to mind when people think of 3D printing. Obtaining an AutoCAD certification is beneficial since it shows mastery of a sophisticated program, which attracts employers who provide internships that call for familiarity with 2D or 3D design software. The certification still demonstrates your proficiency with computer software, which is a valuable quality in many areas, even if you don’t intend to work in an industry that uses AutoCAD.
For me, AutoCAD has been an indispensable tool, much like Google is to middle school pupils. From creating elevations for my ideal home to 3D printing necklaces and even laser cutting and engraving plaques, this software has enabled me to realize my ideas.
AutoCAD has been particularly useful in WHSAD’s after-school programs. AutoCAD has been essential in helping students see site elevations both indoors and out as part of the CTA program, which immerses them in the world of architecture. Additionally, I’ve been able to effectively communicate my ideas for floor layouts, which has made it simple to revise and improve designs in a digital format.
Orfeu Lukban
What was the preparation for the AutoCAD exam like?
Up until I took the test in early December from about the start of October, the class’s curriculum and assignments were entirely in AutoCAD, and most of the preparation I did for the test was learning the software through the assignments and tasks given to me for a class grade. We were taught the software in a very step by step manner, with about every other day switching which new command to focus on learning and mastering. During about a week or two before the day I took the actual exam, I completed about three practice exams, each made to replicate the real AutoCAD exam.
Please describe your experience taking the AutoCAD exam.
I came into the school on a Saturday morning in early December to take the exam. There weren’t many people in the building by this time, so the environment was very quiet, and I really got a chance to focus on the exam. I re-familiarized myself with the program really quickly as a sort of warm up, and then I started. It’s a timed test so of course there’ll always be that pressure, but generally the taking of the test itself was stress free. I paced myself properly and completed the questions that were in front of me. I had done practice exams to prepare myself for the final thing so I was already well versed in the sort of questions that would be asked and how to follow directions properly. I finished the exam with about twenty minutes left.
What are the benefits of AutoCAD certification and having a thorough understanding of the software?
Having an AutoCAD certification and the skills in the software that earned you it helps show people like employers that you can use this software. This can help you land jobs in fields that would require proficient knowledge in AutoCAD. Having the certification also shows that you can work hard and study to achieve that certification, so in a way it also shows employers your work ethic.
How have you used AutoCAD during your time at WHSAD?
During my time at WHSAD, I’ve found myself using AutoCAD in almost all of my architecture classes, and also in some extracurricular projects. For example, I used AutoCAD to model a two story home based off of its floor plans and some images of its facade.
Cynthia Luna-Marcelino
What was the preparation for the AutoCAD exam like?
Preparing for the AutoCAD exam was just reviewing the commands I knew and learning new ones that made my time more efficient. At first, it felt like a hassle preparing it when I had experience with the software. But as I went on I realized that not only was I making the commands into muscle memory but also learned new ways to get what I wanted in fewer steps. This helped me greatly with the architecture program I was in. Not only was I able to recall faster what commands I needed to use but it was also time efficient which was a game changer for me since the group I was in mainly relied on me to render in AutoCAD.
Please describe your experience taking the AutoCAD exam.
Taking the AutoCAD exam to me was harder than the practice runs not for the reasons one would think but because the exam would glitch on me. This only added to the stress and nervousness I had already had. Sitting down and focusing for two hours was one of the challenges but more than that the timer in the top right corner was the part that hardest, this might be because you can see how much time you spend on one question in real time but also it reminds you of the pressure you have to pass on your first try. The AutoCAD test is not a hard test to take one just needs to read closely and have full focus the whole time. Of course for some this might be challenging, but the pressure comes from those around you, those who passed on the first try without having to take all 3 tries. The timer is a great reminder of that pressure, so when my exam glitched on the first try, I thought I would for sure fail my first attempt. Yet I continued to take the test in hopes of having luck on my side only to have my computer crash. I even being able to save my progress I decided to stop and continue the next day. When I came back and logged into the exam, I was more nervous than the day prior. Having seen some of the wording for the test questions made me realize that depending on the version of your test you can be taking one that is very wordy. Thus the time you spend on one question could take you longer than others. Thankfully, this time around I was able to continue at the section before the crash. Not only that but my test had changed to one that is less wordy, making me able to finish and pass on my first try.
What are the benefits of AutoCAD certification and having a thorough understanding of the software?
One of the benefits of receiving the AutoCAD certification is you can say that you have a thorough understanding of the software. As well as you don’t have to waste time by paying to take the exam or spending time to go to a trade school for it. This makes you one step ahead of others who need to take it. You save time and money! Of course, one doesn’t need to be interested in architecture to find it beneficial, but even those who are interested in design could use the thorough knowledge of the software to create a business like jewelry but also interior design. Having an understanding of AutoCAD is a great first step into adulthood as it can make you money on the side but it can also help you later on in your career since you would understand the world of a designer, architect, or even engineer.
How have you used AutoCAD during your time at WHSAD?
I have used AutoCAD when making 3D objects but also for after school programs like CTA.
Sameen Intisar Shadman
What was the preparation for the AutoCAD exam like?
The first semester of the 12th grade architecture class was based on preparing us for the AutoCAD examination. To prepare us, Mr. Blake gave us many architectural AutoCAD projects that edged us closer and closer to the finish line. We would learn and master simple AutoCAD commands like the polyline, mirror, trim, array and many others. Through this, we were able to create our first digitized floor plan. The creation of our floor plan made us more eager to use AutoCAD more and more. We even started using 3-d modeling to bring our digitized floor plan to something that could be built in real life. We used commands like extrude, sweep, and 3-D objects. At the end of it, we were all above well-prepared and committed to passing the AutoCAD examination.

Please describe your experience taking the AutoCAD exam.
At first, I bamboozled when the screen split in two. My naive self thought that my AutoCAD examination was hijacked or rigged, but that was how the exam was set up. The screen split in two, where the left side showed the sets of questions, while on the right, was an AutoCAD examination file, which we used or edited to find out the solutions to the questions. We also had a time limit. The AutoCAD test made us think in innovative and rapid ways. It made us think about when and which command will give us the answer first. There were a lot of ways to find the solution, but the combination of the learned skills and problem solving was needed as there was a time limit. It felt like an escape room because we couldn’t exit the screen and were “trapped” in the sets of questions. It was fun for me as I was able to showcase my skills and think critically about what commands would have me in the finish line, all strong witted and fierce.
What are the benefits of AutoCAD certification and having a thorough understanding of the software?
There are many upsides of having an AutoCAD certification. First of all, you’re able to have a business advantage towards someone who doesn’t have an AutoCAD certification. The employer will pick someone who showed dedication and effort, which an AutoCAD certification can show. An AutoCAD certification could also help you transition into other architectural softwares like Revit, Formit, and Sketch Up much smoother . You could also transition into 3-d modeling softwares like Rhino 8, Maya, and Free CAD. They all have the same foundational commands and uses, which makes it easier for an expert in AutoCAD to be an expert in other softwares. Another advantage is you’re able to concretize your ideas into reality. You’re able to create whatever your mind might wonder, whether it’s a Mardrid bungalow, an abstract clock, or an Airbus A320.
How have you used AutoCAD during your time at WHSAD?
I have been using AutoCAD since sophomore year of high school. I was introduced to it by Mr. Codio and a few seniors who were making Christmas ornaments for decorations in AutoCAD. I quickly learned and wondered what projects were possible with the software. I slowly learned how to 3-d model buildings using AutoCAD. I have 3-d modeled many buildings surrounding WHSAD using AutoCAD. It includes hotels, delis, and residential buildings . In junior year, I wanted to expand my knowledge of my 3d modeling skills, so I started to build abstract objects around us like an abstract pencil holder, a gate with various heights and lengths, and many chairs. This year, I was able to use AutoCAD for my CTA project. I was able to renovate and visualize the CTA residential floor that we were tasked with. Right now, our senior class is focusing on creating a 3-d model of our designated area and renovating our space into more purposeful project.