How would you rate your experience at WHSAD?
I’d say that my experience at the school has been the best experience I’ve had in my school life. I absolutely love the opportunities I’ve been given to achieve my dream of becoming a graphic designer.
What could you tell other WHSAD students about the programs with which you may be involved?
I am an active member of the graphic design club. From the experience I have had with it, I can say that if visual design is an interest of yours, then it is certainly worth joining. I love that I am given the creative freedom to design posters and other decorations in any way I desire.
Could you describe your experience with the resources WHSAD provides?
The online resources I have at my disposal, particularly Adobe Express and Microsoft PowerPoint, have been quite fun to use as they provide a wide variety of tools, such as fonts, images and formats, among other things, to use. Besides those, the laser engraver, while far more complex to learn how to use than the online tools, is a lot of fun to use to print my designs onto plexiglass. I wonder if I will get to use it to engrave designs on different materials one day, but at this moment, I’m very happy with using it for plexiglass only.
Do you have a specific project that you look fondly at? Could you describe the project and its purpose?
The very first project I had been assigned to do, which was to design a special plaque for an important person’s retirement, was one that I really liked to work on. I loved that I was given the freedom to design it in any way I wanted.
What advice could you provide to underclassmen at WHSAD?
I’d say that it’s best that, if you really like to partake in a certain activity, stick to it and devote yourself to it as much as possible. The opportunities that staying dedicated to your interests can bring you are truly limitless.
All the work you’re doing now, how will it benefit your path in the future?
This work will greatly benefit my career path as I will be able to earn job experience to put on my resume in the future. I can’t wait to become a graphic designer one day, and this beginning experience will certainly give me a head start on attaining that opportunity.