DATE: October 17, 2019
TIME: 7:00 PM
- Call Meeting to Order
- Principal’s Update
- WHSAD Bylaw Update
- Open Discussion
PTA Meeting #2
Thursday, October 17
The PTA meeting began as scheduled and the PTA board was present for the meeting. Mrs. Chu informed the parent that we would have a speaker from the school regarding Title I. The speaker was the assistant principal of WHSAD Ms. Basilio, addressed the parents the importance of parents filling out the lunch forms so the WHSAD can be eligible for Title I funds which is federal funds that are given to the public schools.
The Title I funds that WHSAD allocates money for tutoring which has increased graduation rate by 95%. In addition, Title I has given the PTA $4,000.00 for parent engagements which it was used for parent workshops such as teaching families how to budget their finances and learning the different types of teaching styles our children may have. What it takes to graduate high school and get into college? FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Encouraging WHSAD seniors to attend CUNY (City University of New York). WHSAD is planning SAT (Statistic Aptitude Test) prep classes some time in the spring of 2020.
Therefore, Ms. Basilio, asked the parents if they would be interested in being part of the Parent Advisory Board. There were three parents who volunteered. They are two parents of an eleventh grader and a parent of a tenth grader. Ms. Basilio informed the parent that she would keep them informed when the Title I meetings will take place.
The PTA parents were continuing coming up with ideas for raising funds for their students cohort grades. Mrs. Chu suggested for parents to sell during the Parent-Teacher Conference on November 21, 2019, in the evening or Friday, November 22, 2019 in the afternoon. The parents would need to inform Mrs. Chu if parents will be selling during PTC or meet the teacher events.
The next PTA meeting will be held Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.