Dear Parents and Guardian of Blended Learning Students at WHSAD,
Earlier this morning, Chancellor Meisha Porter Ross announced that NYCDOE High Schools will reopen for in-person learning starting Monday, March 22.
We are currently in the process of working on the in-person learning calendar for your child. We will send a link to that calendar, which will show the days your child may report to school during March and April, by tomorrow. Please keep a lookout for an e-mail regarding that calendar.
In order to report to in-person learning, you must consent to the Department of Education’s testing partners to administer the COVID-19 test to your child. The DOE is mandating that no less than 20% of the school’s staff and students be tested weekly. Here is the link to the consent form—september-27-2020
Please have your child report to school on his/her assigned day with this consent form completed.
You may also consent to testing electronically by using your NYC Schools Account by logging on to
If your child does not have a consent form on file, then the DOE is mandating us to change your child’s programming to remote learning only for the remainder of the school year.
We are excited to be able to see your child report to school, so please make sure that we have your testing consent on file!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Ms.Chu at or contact her at (646)678-1861.