Syllabus for Junior English (ELA Regents):
Fall 2014 Term: September 4th, 2014 – January 23rd, 2015
Teacher: Mr. Rodriguez
Email: rodriguez@whsad.org
Room: 229
Office Hours: Period 7 (1:08PM-1:53PM)
- Course Description:
The Junior English course is designed to help students become skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts and to become skilled writers who can compose for a variety of purposes. By their writing and reading in this course, students should become aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way conventions contribute to effective writing. Also, students will be greatly prepared for the ELA Regents.
The course allows students to write in several forms—narrative, exploratory, expository, argumentatively—on many different subjects from personal experiences to public policies, from imaginative literature to popular culture. But the overarching purpose is to enable students to write effectively and confidently in their professional and personal lives.
Materials: Composition or 1-Subject Notebook for SAT Vocabulary, Pens/Pencils,
and a Sturdy Folder for Handouts
Grading Policy:
- Tests/Quizzes – 50%
- CCSS Writing Performance Tasks – 20%
- Homework – 10%
- Classwork/Participation – 20%
Classwork / Participation (20%):
- Classwork consists of completing the Do Now, taking good notes and completing in class assignments. All students will be responsible for critically reading a variety of texts, such as novels, poems, excerpts, documents, short stories, and essays. Students will begin and complete in class timed-writings- literary analysis, journals/response logs, and reflections. Group Projects, such as the BBK Workshop, will-involve team building and cooperative learning.
Assessments (Tests/Quizzes 50%):
- Tests will be given on Wednesdays and will be designed to prepare students for the Regents exam in January, as well as to review classroom readings. Quizzes will be given on various days in relation to the Regents, as well as classroom readings. Assessments will be cumulative.
Upon completing the Junior English course, students should be able to:
- analyze and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques;
- apply effective strategies and techniques in their own writing;
- create and sustain arguments based on readings, research, and/or personal experience;
- demonstrate understanding and mastery of standard written English as well as stylistic maturity in their own writings;
- write for a variety of purposes;
- produce expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions that introduce a complex central idea and develop it with appropriate evidence drawn from primary and/or secondary source material, and clear transitions;
- demonstrate understanding of the conventions of citing
- move effectively through the stages of the writing process, with careful attention to inquiry and research, drafting, revising, editing, and review;
- write thoughtfully about their own process of composition;
Lateness and Attendance:
- Make sure you get to class on time! Repetitive lateness will result in parental notification. Obviously, regular attendance is MANDATORY, and it’s necessary to keep up with the assignments. In addition, lateness and attendance will negatively affect your grade. Being absent or failing to pay attention in class will end up being extra work because it will require you to learn the material that you missed, along with the current material.
I’m looking forward to an exciting and rewarding school year. Please review the course guidelines with your child and keep it in a safe place, as you may want to refer to it throughout the year. We will share the responsibility for achieving desired outcomes.
Return ONLY this portion to Mr. Rodriguez by Monday, September 15th. This will count as an Extra Credit Homework Assignment.
Teacher Responsibilities:
- Provide a safe and effective learning environment for the student
- Provide ample time for students to receive any additional help needed
- Enforce school rules consistently
- Provide students with clear and concise expectations
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Rodriguez E-mail address: rodriguez@WHSAD.org
Teacher’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________________
Student Responsibilities:
- Practice self-discipline, patience and avoid interrupting others
- Put 100% effort into work everyday
- Remain in compliance of the classroom and school rules
- Be present, prepared, and participate in class
- Be responsible for learning. Get help when needed!!!
Student’s Name (print): ______________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________
Student’s Signature: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
- Monitor child’s school work
- Communicate with teacher or school officials with any concerns
- Will make sure my child is prepared for school
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: _________________________________________
(please provide a phone number where you can best be reached between 1:30-4:30pm)