Upcoming Dates
Homework Due Thursday: Write a 10-sentence paragraph comparing John the Savage as the dystopian hero archetype to one of the other four dystopian heroes we have discussed in class (Montag, Neo, the little boy, or Plato’s freed prisoner). This goes with the worksheet given in class on Monday.
Missing Work
Last week we had two assignments due. We wrote a character analysis of Bernard Marx’s change throughout the course of the novel. It’s a 10-sentence paragraph with 3 textual quotes from the novel that support your thesis statement about what his change says about him. The other assignment was a worksheet that we used to help organize our thoughts on the novel.
This assignment is already considered late and must be handed in by the end of the week.
Recent Notes
Character Archetype:the model or mold that a character fits; the common version of a character
Some examples of archetypes would be “The Wise, Old Man.” Think Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, or Dumbledore from Harry Potter, or Yoda from Star Wars, or Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. They are all similar in their character traits: age, wisdom, role they play in a younger person’s life (Frodo, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Daniel Larusso), etc.
Any questions, please see me. Most of my office hours are 7th & 8th period.