Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design
257 Sixth StreetBrooklyn, NY11211
9th Grade English
Course syllabus and Contract
Principal- Gill Cornell
I ———————————————-do promise to be in class regularly and on time.
I ———————————————–take full responsibility for having my class work and homework completed on time.
I ———————————————- promise to pay attention in class, be respectful, and participate in class activities.
I ———————————————- promise to come to class prepared to do my class work. That means I will have my
Notebooks, pen, and pencil and any other materials I may need for the enrichment of my education.
I ——————————————— promise to have all my English assignments neatly written (in pen) or typed
I ———————————————- hereby give my teacher Ms. Newton permission to call my house and speak with my
Parents if I break any of the above rules.
Student’s Signature: ————————————– Date: —————————————–
Teacher’s Signature: ————————————– Date: —————————————–
Non adherence to these rules can result in a low grade for the marking period.
Course syllabus and Contract
September, 2014
Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I hope you had a wonderful summer. My name is Miss Newton, and I am the Freshman English Language Arts teacher for the academic year 2014-2015. I promise a challenging and rewarding year for us all. However, the extent to which your child is successful as a student will depend on the joint efforts of the student, parent and teacher. It therefore means that the shared responsibility among all the participants is vital for the learning and teaching experience. Please take some time to read and become acquainted with the following requirements and expectations for your child.
The primary goal of this class is to expose students to various forms of literary genres. At the completion of this year, Students will be expected to cite strong and thorough evidence to support precise claims, or inform, or explain. Analyze the characteristics of literary forms and genres; explain the effect of point of view; make inferences and draw conclusions about fictional and non-fictional contexts. Discuss author’s point of view, and develop the ability to produce high quality first drafts of writing under tight deadlines. In addition, students will also be required to read substantive, complex works of informational texts, and complete independent reading and writing portfolio assignments.
Following is the criteria on which your child will be graded and assessed:
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory
CCSS Writing Performance Tasks 20%- Common Core State Standard Writing Performance Tasks
Class work/Participation 20% – Participation is essential to your child learning.
Homework: 10% – Homework must be completed in a timely manner.
Students are responsible for all given assignments.
Exams: / Quizzes/Final Projects 50% – All quizzes and examinations will be announced.
Required Supplies: Students will need one black & white marble Composition notebook.
One double pocket folder (for handouts), blue or black ink pen, one 2GB flash drive to save written
I look forward to a wonderful and rewarding school year. Please sign the bottom of this letter and return to me as proof that you have seen, read and understood the above.
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________
Telephone home _________________________ Work ____________________Cell: __________________________
Teacher” Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail :jnewton@whsad.org