NY Cares and Winston & Strawn Law firm came together to offer WHSAD students valuable networking and business skill sets while doing a shark tank theme mini project. Students were asked about their experience.
“On Thursday, November 7, 2019 we went to a law firm field trip where all students got to talk about product making and selling with lawyers. Students were separated into groups of 5 and with two lawyers in order to work together and plan a big product presentation. The WHSAD teachers picked a winner based on the quality of the presentation. My group came up with the cool idea of a school cafeteria which will be run by the students and sell certain desserts provided by students. In the end, we didn’t win, but the process of making the presentation together with the lawyers and other students was very fun and educational. Not only did we get to know more about product making but also about how to build connections with others.” –Alexa Medina (WHSAD Junior)
“On November 7, 2019 there was a trip for Mr. Codio’s class to the Winston and Strawn Law Offices. This trip was a shark tank themed entrepreneur workshop where we worked with employees from the firm to come up with our own project and present it to the group. This gave us an experience of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and sell your project idea. My group came up with the idea of ATTA, a AirPod case that can be tracked if it was ever lost. There would be a tracking chip included in the magnetic case so it won’t slip off. It is also available in many colors and will be customizable. The group also had to come up with a starting price and the add prices of the product to attract consumers while being able to include thoughts of profit and revenue. Once all the groups were done making their projects final, we all presented one by one, introducing our projects and its benefits. After everyone had shared their design proposals, the judges came to a decision of who won, which was ATTA. Thanks to everyone who contributed to achieve this goal.”- Jordan Gonzales (WHSAD Senior)
“I really enjoyed myself on the trip to the Winston and Strawn Law Firm located at 200 Park Ave, Manhattan, NY. One thing I enjoyed on this trip was the ability to get into a want to be business owner’s mind and to see the difficulties of being a business owner as well as the benefits. Another thing I really enjoyed was getting an opportunity that not a lot of students in NYC get to have and have the ability to work one on one or with a group of lawyers and also entrepreneurs. Last, but not least I enjoyed their hospitality and also being open-minded to hear our ideas. The challenge was to design a non-existent future structure on paper and then later present our product amongst other fellow consumers. We had to create a business that’s not like your ordinary McDonalds , Wendy’s or Planet Fitness and also think in terms of a business owner in terms of profit , consumers, and location. My group designed a recreational center called Levels in Manhattan (Times Square 42nd St). The building would consist of three different floors and would come with three different packages (Premium, Superior and V.I.P Packages). Each package comes with something different. For example, the premium package would come with just the gym and create your own smoothie bar and the V.I.P package would come with full access to the whole building and you get unlimited deals and discounts including 2 free spa visits.” –Mychael Edwards (WHSAD Senior)
“This trip was a Business related workshop. It was a workshop themed off of the show “Shark Tank” . Our task was to make a company or product and present it. This allowed us to know what it felt like being an entrepreneur. The way we thought of the idea was by first asking each other questions. We all agreed that we enjoyed mostly 4 things which were exercising, listening to music, playing games, and watching movies. With that being said, we decided to make a company that had all of those components. We called our company Levels , and it was supposed to be a recreational center where teens can do all of those things on different floors or “Levels”. After all groups presented, we got the results of which team won. Although our idea didn’t win, we had a great time.” –Gabriel Nieves (WHSAD Senior)
“On November 7th, 2019, 30 students consisting of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors attended a work trip set up by the senior architecture teacher, Mr. Codido. The objective of the trip was to learn how to do a product pitch. We came up with a product idea and then did a sales pitch similar to the show Shark Tank. In my opinion, I believe that this was a very productive trip. The reason I believe this is because of the communication skills that we learned while presenting our projects.” – Leins Barthe (WHSAD Sophomore)