Due to Covid-19 this 2020-2021 school year, WHSAD’s annual Summer Bridge program was held online for incoming students. Students had to design a habitable space using any design platform of their choice.
Below are the student interviews and presentations from students who were willing to participate.
Britney Caryl, Freshman
Click here to view Britney’s Presentation.
Did you have difficulties making your design? If so can you describe them? “While I was working on my build for the Summer Build Project I did encounter some difficulties/challenges. I found it really hard to stick with one idea, so I kept on changing it. I went back and forth with what design I wanted to use. I later found a good one that I could use.”
In what ways can your design be used in the real world? “My design can be used in the real world as inspirations for interior designers who would like to work on modernizing a home.”
What was your inspiration? “My inspiration for my design came from Archdaily.com. I just searched for modern design ideas that I liked and used them. I wanted to create a modern house with plants, grass, and trees around it (like an oriental tone).”
Have you had any prior experience designing? “I never really had any experience with designing. This would be considered my first time doing something like this.”
Tell me about your experience with the program. What is your takeaway? “Overall I think that the program went really well and it was lots of fun. I really enjoyed attending the meets. It helped me to get to know more about the school, the staff members, and the incoming students. I also learned a little about what programs were offered at the School. My takeaway from the program was how nice everyone was. I would really love to get to know more about the teachers and etc.”
Sheena Luke, Freshman
Click here to view Sheena’s presentation.
Did you have difficulties making your design? If so can you describe them? “One difficulty I had was the fact that I didn’t use a single reference while building. This proved to be a challenge for me. This is because, with no reference, my ideas kept on changing which meant I spent even more time on the actual building structure. This gave me less time to add extras such as furniture and things like the greenhouse. Another difficulty was at the start of my build since I hadn’t written down the correct dimensions so later while building, I realized the building wasn’t symmetrical but by then, I couldn’t do anything about it since I was too far into the build.”
In what ways can your design be used in the real world? “My design can be used in the real world as a place of residence. It is a modern luxury apartment build which is quite fitting to the rise of modern architecture in the world today.”
What was your inspiration? “I didn’t really have an inspiration, but I wanted to build this because of a youtube video I saw years ago that somewhat still dwelled at the back of my mind. This is where I got the blurred image of what I had wanted to build.”
Have you had any prior experience designing? “Before this project, I had 0 experience designing, however, it had been a hobby of mine to watch Minecraft videos which often included YouTubers building huge and complex structures. This is the main reason I already knew how to operate the software, ‘Minecraft’ to work on my build.”
Tell me about your experience with the program. What is your takeaway? “I believe the program was very beneficial. It left me with multiple programs that I can look into for my future such as the “Pratts Young Scholars Program” or the “Ace Mentor Program”. It also provided me with an overview of what I can look forward to while attending WHSAD. Overall, I’m very grateful for the opportunity.”

Deshawn Gould, Freshman
Click here to view Deshawn’s presentation.
Did you have difficulties making your design? If so can you describe them? “I had a lot of difficulties with the project. Some of those difficulties were getting enough resources to start planting and building the greenhouse. I had to get different types of seeds such as watermelon seeds, pumpkins seeds, beetroot seeds, carrots, and wheat seeds. Then I had to get enough blocks to build the greenhouse. I had to know the perimeter and the diameter of the area so I would have correct measurements.”
In what ways can your design be used in the real world? “My design can be used in the real world by helping the earth with natural resources. In this world where pollution is rising my greenhouses would enable communities to take control of their natural food supply. It would lessen the need for genetically modified food which are not healthy for consumption and help us grow foods eaten on a daily basis in a healthier way.”
What was your inspiration? “The persons who inspired me were Charles Lucien Bonaparte and my mother who always encouraged healthy eating habits. She always stressed the importance of eating vegetables and fruits.”
Have you had any prior experience designing? “Yes, I made other designs before. I made a mansion and a roller coaster in the past.”
Tell me about your experience with the program. What is your takeaway? “My experience with the program was fantastic. I learned a lot of new basic words I say every day but with a different meaning. My takeaway was a new understanding in things that was difficult for me before and I am grateful for the help from all my teachers.”

Nataly Hurtado
Click here to view Nataly’s presentation.
Did you have difficulties making your design? If so can you describe them? “I did not have any difficulties making my design other than finding the perfect place to build it or the materials that I should use.”
In what ways can your design be used in the real world? “My design could be used as a camping house in the woods, like a little peaceful place to relax and connect to nature.”
What was your inspiration? “I was inspired by creating a very cozy one person wooden modern house, something far away from the city and the noise so I built my project right next to a lake in the forest.”
Have you had any prior experience designing? “Yes, I’ve built a couple different buildings (on Minecraft, Roblox, etc..) before. Also, I used to assist in an art program, we used to make mini models of famous buildings and I think that’s when I realized that I actually liked designing.”
Tell me about your experience with the program. What is your takeaway? “My experience with the Summer Bridge Program was very nice, I got to learn a lot of stuff like new words, a lot about architecture like famous buildings and how they are made, as well as famous architects and designers. I got to meet a lot of people. Everyone was very nice to me and also about the school and the building. I feel a lot more comfortable and safer now that I know a little bit more about the teachers and how the system works.”

Raiven Rowl, Junior
Click here to view Raiven’s presentation.
Did you have difficulties making your design? If so can you describe them?
“One difficulty that I had with this design is trying to tackle most of the necessities that a person in a homeless situation would need in a bathroom to make it feel like home.”
In what ways can your design be used in the real world?
“My design can be used in the real world by having the bathroom be designated to any homeless person that wants to take a shower and/or have the confidence to be self motivated.”
What was your inspiration?
“My inspiration for this design started in my freshman year at my old high school which was near the city hall of Philadelphia that has numerous homeless people; seeing how everybody just passed them by made me think to myself if I could do something to benefit them more than just giving them money and food, what could I do? Then I thought of the bathroom where they could go and take a shower.”
Have you had any prior experience designing?
“This is my first design that I have made other than my drawings.”
Tell me about your experience with the program. What is your takeaway?
“The Summer Bridge program gave me insight into different ways of art such as minecraft; I got to see so many creations that I didn’t even know you could do in an app. The program also made me more open-minded to do digital art and see many other software that I could use personally. I would recommend this program to anyone that is truly interested in digital design and wants a future in the art and/or architecture field.”